Author: | Enrico Tassi |
This tutorial focuses on the implementation of Coq tactics.
This tutorial assumes the reader is familiar with Elpi and the HOAS representation of Coq terms; if it is not the case, please take a look at these other tutorials first: Elpi tutorial and Coq HOAS tutorial.
In Coq a proof is just a term, and an incomplete proof is just a term with holes standing for the open goals.
When a proof starts there is just one hole (one goal) and its type is the statement one wants to prove. Then proof construction makes progress by instantiation: a term possibly containing holes is grafted to the hole corresponding to the current goal. What a tactic does behind the scenes is to synthesize this partial term.
Let's define a simple tactic that prints the current goal.
Elpi Tactic show. Elpi Accumulate lp:{{ solve (goal Ctx _Trigger Type Proof _) _ :- coq.say "Goal:" Ctx "|-" Proof ":" Type. }}.
The tactic declaration is made of 3 parts.
The first one Elpi Tactic show.
sets the current program to show
Since it is declared as a Tactic
some code is loaded automatically:
The second one Elpi Accumulate ...
loads some extra code.
The Elpi Accumulate ...
family of commands lets one accumulate code
taken from:
Elpi Accumulate lp:{{ code }}
Elpi Accumulate File path
Elpi Accumulate Db name
Accumulating code via inline text or file is equivalent, the AST of code
is stored in the .vo file (the external file does not need to be installed).
We invite the reader to look up the description of data bases in the tutorial
about commands.
When some code is accumulated Elpi verifies that the
code does not contain the most frequent kind of mistakes, via some
type checking and linting. Some mistakes are minor and Elpi only warns about
them. You can pass -w +elpi.typecheck
to coqc
to turn these warnings into
The entry point for tactics is called solve which maps a goal into a list of sealed-goal (representing subgoals).
Tactics written in Elpi can be invoked by prefixing its name with elpi
x, y: natx + 1 = yAbort.
In the Elpi code up there Proof
is the hole for the current goal,
the statement to be proved and Ctx
the proof context (the list of
hypotheses). Since we don't assign Proof
the tactic makes no progress.
Elpi prints somethinglike this:
Goal: [decl c1 `y` (global (indt «nat»)), decl c0 `x` (global (indt «nat»))] |- X0 c0 c1 : app [global (indt «eq»), global (indt «nat»), app [global (const «Nat.add»), c0, app [global (indc «S»), global (indc «O»)]], c1]
The first line is the proof context:
proof variables are bound Elpi variables (here c0
and c1
), the context
is a list of predicates holding on them (their type in Coq). For example:
decl c0 `x` (global (indt «nat»))
asserts that c0
(pretty printed as x
) has type nat
Then we see that the value of Proof
is X0 c0 c1
. This means that the
proof of the current goal is represented by Elpi's variable X0
and that
the variable has c0
and c1
in scope (the proof term can use them).
Finally we see the type of the goal x + 1 = y
The _Trigger
component, which we did not print, is a variable that, when
assigned, triggers the elaboration of its value against the type of the goal
and obtains a value for Proof
this way.
Keeping in mind that the solve predicate relates one goal to a list of subgoals, we implement our first tactic which blindly tries to solve the goal.
Elpi Tactic blind. Elpi Accumulate lp:{{ solve (goal _ Trigger _ _ _) [] :- Trigger = {{0}}. solve (goal _ Trigger _ _ _) [] :- Trigger = {{I}}. }}.Proof.(True * nat)%typeTruenatelpi blind.Trueelpi blind.natQed.
Since the assignment of a term to Trigger
triggers its elaboration against
the expected type (the goal statement), assigning the wrong proof term
results in a failure which in turn results in the other rule being tried.
For now, this is all about the low level mechanics of tactics which is developed further in the section The-proof-engine.
We now focus on how to better integrate tactics written in Elpi with Ltac.
For a simple tactic like blind
the list of subgoals is easy to write, since
it is empty, but in general one should collect all the holes in
the value of Proof
(the checked proof term) and build goals out of them.
There is a family of APIs named after refine, the mother of all tactics, in elpi-ltac.elpi which does this job for you.
Usually a tactic builds a (possibly partial) term and calls refine on it.
Let's rewrite the blind
tactic using this schema.
Elpi Tactic blind2. Elpi Accumulate lp:{{ solve G GL :- refine {{0}} G GL. solve G GL :- refine {{I}} G GL. }}.Proof.(True * nat)%typeTruenatelpi blind2.Trueelpi blind2. Qed.nat
This schema works even if the term is partial, that is if it contains holes corresponding to missing sub proofs.
Let's write a tactic which opens a few subgoals, for example
let's implement the split
Elpi's equality (that is, unification) on Coq terms corresponds to alpha equivalence, we can use that to make our tactic less blind.
The head of a rule for the solve predicate is matched against the
goal. This operation cannot assign unification variables in the goal, only
variables in the rule's head.
As a consequence the following rule for solve
is only used when
the statement features an explicit conjunction.
Elpi Tactic split. Elpi Accumulate lp:{{ solve (goal _ _ {{ _ /\ _ }} _ _ as G) GL :- !, % conj has 4 arguments, but two are implicits % (_ are added for them and are inferred from the goal) refine {{ conj _ _ }} G GL. solve _ _ :- % This signals a failure in the Ltac model. A failure % in Elpi, that is no more clauses to try, is a fatal % error that cannot be caught by Ltac combinators like repeat. _ "not a conjunction". }}.Proof.exists t : Prop, True /\ True /\ tTrue /\ True /\ ?t(* Remark that the last goal is left untouched, since it did not match the pattern {{ _ /\ _ }}. *) all: elpi blind.TrueTrue?tQed.
The tactic split
succeeds twice, stopping on the two identical goals True
the one which is an evar of type Prop
We then invoke blind
on all goals. In the third case the type checking
constraint triggered by assigning {{0}}
to Trigger
fails because
its type nat
is not of sort Prop
, so it backtracks and picks {{I}}
Another common way to build an Elpi tactic is to synthesize a term and then call some Ltac piece of code finishing the work.
The API invokes some Ltac piece of code passing to it the desired arguments. Then it builds the list of subgoals.
Here we pass an integer, which in turn is passed to fail
, and a term,
which in turn is passed to apply
Ltac helper_split2 n t := fail n || apply t. Elpi Tactic split2. Elpi Accumulate lp:{{ solve (goal _ _ {{ _ /\ _ }} _ _ as G) GL :- "helper_split2" [int 0, trm {{ conj }}] G GL. solve _ _ :- _ "not a conjunction". }}.Proof.exists t : Prop, True /\ True /\ tTrue /\ True /\ ?tall: elpi blind. Qed.TrueTrue?t
Elpi tactics can receive arguments. Arguments are received as a list, which is the last argument of the goal constructor. This suggests that arguments are attached to the current goal being observed, but we will dive into this detail later on.
Elpi Tactic print_args. Elpi Accumulate lp:{{ solve (goal _ _ _ _ Args) _ :- coq.say Args. }}. Lemma test_print_args : True.Abort.
The convention is that numbers like 1
are passed as int 1
identifiers or strings are passed as str "arg"
and terms
have to be put between parentheses.
terms are received in raw format, eg before elaboration
Indeed the type argument to eq
is a variable.
One can use APIs like coq.elaborate-skeleton to infer holes like
See the argument data type for a detailed description of all the arguments a tactic can receive.
Now let's write a tactic which behaves pretty much like the refine one from Coq, but prints what it does using the API coq.term->string.
Elpi Tactic refine. Elpi Accumulate lp:{{ solve (goal _ _ Ty _ [trm S] as G) GL :- % check S elaborates to T of type Ty (the goal) coq.elaborate-skeleton S Ty T ok, coq.say "Using" {coq.term->string T} "of type" {coq.term->string Ty}, % since T is already checked, we don't check it again refine.no_check T G GL. solve (goal _ _ _ _ [trm S]) _ :- Msg is {coq.term->string S} ^ " does not fit", _ Msg. }}.Proof.P, Q: Prop
H: P -> QQP, Q: Prop
H: P -> QQAbort.P, Q: Prop
H: P -> QP
It is customary to use the Tactic Notation command to attach a nicer syntax to Elpi tactics.
In particular elpi tacname
accepts as arguments the following bridges
for Ltac values :
(for v
of type string
or ident
(for v
of type int
or integer
(for v
of type constr
or open_constr
or uconstr
or hyp
(for v
of type list
of ...)Note that the Ltac type associates some semantics to the action of passing
the arguments. For example hyp
will accept an identifier only if it is
an hypotheses of the context. While uconstr
does not type check the term,
which is the recommended way to pass terms to an Elpi tactic (since it is
likely to be typed anyway by the Elpi tactic).
Tactic Notation "use" uconstr(t) := elpi refine ltac_term:(t). Tactic Notation "use" hyp(t) := elpi refine ltac_term:(t).Proof.P, Q: Prop
H: P -> Q
p: PQP, Q: Prop
H: P -> Q
p: PPQed. Tactic Notation "print" uconstr_list_sep(l, ",") := elpi print_args ltac_term_list:(l).P, Q: Prop
H: P -> Q
p: PQAbort.
The coq.error aborts the execution of both Elpi and any enclosing Ltac context. This failure cannot be caught by Ltac.
On the contrary the builtin can be used to abort the execution of Elpi code in such a way that Ltac can catch it. This API takes an integer akin to Ltac's fail depth together with the error message to be displayed to the user.
Library functions of the assert!
family call, by default, coq.error.
The flag @ltacfail! N
can be set to alter this behavior and turn errors into
calls to N
Elpi Tactic abort. Elpi Accumulate lp:{{ solve _ _ :- coq.error "uncatchable". }}.TrueAbort. Elpi Tactic fail. Elpi Accumulate lp:{{ solve (goal _ _ _ _ [int N]) _ :- N "catchable". }}.TrueTrueTrueAbort.True
in Elpiassumption
is a very simple tactic: we look up in the proof
context for an hypothesis which unifies with the goal.
Recall that Ctx
is made of decl and def
(here, for simplicity, we ignore the latter case).
Elpi Tactic assumption. Elpi Accumulate lp:{{ solve (goal Ctx _ Ty _ _ as G) GL :- % H is the name for hyp, Ty is the goal std.mem Ctx (decl H _ Ty), refine H G GL. solve _ _ :- _ "no such hypothesis". }}.Proof.P, Q: Prop
p: P
q: QP /\ id QP, Q: Prop
p: P
q: QPP, Q: Prop
p: P
q: Qid QP, Q: Prop
p: P
q: Qid QAbort.P, Q: Prop
p: P
q: Qid Q
As we hinted before, Elpi's equality is alpha equivalence. In the second
goal the assumption has type Q
but the goal has type id Q
which is
convertible (unifiable, for Coq's unification) to Q
Let's improve our tactic by looking for an assumption which is unifiable with
the goal, and not just alpha convertible. The coq.unify-leq
calls Coq's unification for types (on which cumulativity applies, hence the
suffix). The std.mem utility, thanks to backtracking,
eventually finds an hypothesis that satisfies the following predicate
(ie unifies with the goal).
Elpi Tactic assumption2. Elpi Accumulate lp:{{ solve (goal Ctx _ Ty _ _ as G) GL :- % std.mem is backtracking (std.mem! would stop at the first hit) std.mem Ctx (decl H _ Ty'), coq.unify-leq Ty' Ty ok, refine H G GL. solve _ _ :- _ "no such hypothesis". }}.Proof.P, Q: Prop
p: P
q: QP /\ id Qall: elpi assumption2. Qed.P, Q: Prop
p: P
q: QPP, Q: Prop
p: P
q: Qid Q
refine does unify the type of goal with the type of the term,
hence we can simplify the code further. We obtain a
tactic very similar to our initial blind
tactic, which picks
candidates from the context rather than from the program itself.
Elpi Tactic assumption3. Elpi Accumulate lp:{{ solve (goal Ctx _ _ _ _ as G) GL :- std.mem Ctx (decl H _ _), refine H G GL. solve _ _ :- _ "no such hypothesis". }}.Proof.P, Q: Prop
p: P
q: QP /\ id Qall: elpi assumption3. Qed.P, Q: Prop
p: P
q: QPP, Q: Prop
p: P
q: Qid Q
in ElpiThe set
tactic takes a term, possibly with holes, and
makes a let-in out of it.
It gives us the occasion to explain the copy utility.
Elpi Tactic find. Elpi Accumulate lp:{{ solve (goal _ _ T _ [trm X]) _ :- pi x\ (copy X x ==> copy T (Tabs x)), if (occurs x (Tabs x)) (coq.say "found" {coq.term->string X}) ( _ "not found"). }}.Proof.P, Q: PropP /\ P \/ P /\ QP, Q: PropP /\ P \/ P /\ QAbort.P, Q: PropP /\ P \/ P /\ Q
This first approximation only prints the term it found, or better the first instance of the given term.
Now lets focus on copy. An excerpt:
copy X X :- name X. % checks X is a bound variable copy (global _ as C) C. copy (fun N T F) (fun N T1 F1). copy T T1, pi x\ copy (F x) (F1 x). copy (app L) (app L1) :- !, L copy L1.
Copy implements the identity: it builds, recursively, a copy of the first term into the second argument. Unless one loads in the context a new rule, which takes precedence over the identity ones. Here we load:
copy X x
which, at run time, looks like
copy (app [global (indt «andn»), sort prop, sort prop, c0, X0 c0 c1]) c2
and that rule masks the one for app when the
sub-term being copied matches (P /\ _)
. The first time this rule
is used X0
is assigned, making the rule represent the term (P /\ P)
Now let's refine the tactic to build a let-in, and complain if the desired name is already taken.
Elpi Tactic set. Elpi Accumulate lp:{{ solve (goal _ _ T _ [str ID, trm X] as G) GL :- pi x\ (copy X x ==> copy T (Tabs x)), if (occurs x (Tabs x)) (if ( ID G) true (coq.warn ID "is already taken, Elpi will make a name up"),>name ID Name, Hole x = {{ _ : lp:{{ Tabs x }} }}, % a hole with a type refine (let Name _ X x\ Hole x) G GL) ( _ "not found"). }}.Proof.P, Q: PropP /\ P \/ P /\ QP, Q: Prop
x:= P: Propx /\ x \/ x /\ QP, Q: Prop
x:= P: PropP /\ P \/ P /\ QAbort.P, Q: Prop
x:= P: Prop
elpi_ctx_entry_4_:= P /\ P: Propelpi_ctx_entry_4_ \/ P /\ Q
For more examples of (basic) tactics written in Elpi see the eltac app.
In this section we dive into the details of the proof engine, that is how goals are represented in Elpi and how things are wired up behind the scenes.
Let's inspect the proof state a bit deeper:
Elpi Tactic show_more. Elpi Accumulate lp:{{ solve (goal Ctx _Trigger Type Proof _) _ :- coq.say "Goal:" Ctx "|-" Proof ":" Type, coq.say "Proof state:", coq.sigma.print. }}.x: natx + 1 = 0Abort.
In addition to the goal we print the Elpi and Coq proof state, plus the link between them. The proof state is the collection of goals together with their types.
On the Elpi side this state is represented by constraints for the evar
{c0} : decl c0 `x` (global (indt «nat»)) ?- evar (X1 c0) (app [global (indt «eq»), global (indt «nat»), app [global (const «Nat.add»), c0, app [global (indc «S»), global (indc «O»)]], global (indc «O»)]) (X0 c0) /* suspended on X1, X0 */
One can recognize the set of bound variables {c0}
, the hypothetical
context of rules about these variable (that also corresponds to the proof
context), and finally the suspended goal evar (X1 c0) .. (X0 c0)
The set of constraints on evar
represents the Coq data structure called
sigma (sometimes also called evd or evar_map) that is used to
represent the proof state in Coq. It is printed just afterwards:
EVARS: ?X57==[x |- x + 1 = 0] (goal evar) {?Goal} ?X56==[ |- => fun x : nat => ?Goal] (goal evar) ?X55==[x |- => nat] (parameter A of eq) ?X54==[ |- => nat] (type of x) SHELF:|| FUTURE GOALS STACK: ||
Rocq-Elpi mapping: RAW: ?X57 <-> c0 \ X1 c0 ELAB: ?X57 <-> X0
Here ?X57
is a Coq evar linked with Elpi's X0
and X1
represents the goal (the trigger) while X0
represent the proof.
The meaning of the evar
Elpi predicate linking the two is that the term
assigned to the trigger X1
has to be elaborated to the final proof term
, that should be a well typed term of type x + 1 = 0
This means that when an Elpi tactic assigns a value to X1
some procedure to
turn that value into X0
is triggered. That procedure is called
elaboration and it is currently implemented by calling the
coq.elaborate-skeleton API.
Given this set up, it is impossible to use a term of the wrong type as a
Proof. Let's rewrite the split
tactic without using refine.
Elpi Tactic split_ll. Elpi Accumulate lp:{{ solve (goal Ctx Trigger {{ lp:A /\ lp:B }} Proof []) GL :- !, Trigger = {{ conj _ _ }}, % triggers elaboration, filling Proof Proof = {{ conj lp:Pa lp:Pb }}, GL = [seal G1, seal G2], G1 = goal Ctx _ A Pa [], G2 = goal Ctx _ B Pb []. solve _ _ :- _ "not a conjunction". }}.Proof.exists t : Prop, True /\ True /\ tTrue /\ True /\ ?tall: elpi blind. Qed.TrueTrue?t
Crafting by hand the list of subgoal is not easy.
In particular here we did not set up the new trigger for Pa
and Pb
nor seal the goals appropriately (we did not bind proof variables).
The coq.ltac.collect-goals API helps us doing this.
Elpi Tactic split_ll_bis.Proof.exists t : Prop, True /\ True /\ tTrue /\ True /\ ?tall: elpi blind. Qed.TrueTrue?t
At the light of that, refine is simply:
refine T (goal _ RawEv _ Ev _) GS :- RawEv = T, coq.ltac.collect-goals Ev GS _.
Now that we know the low level plumbing, we can use refine ;-)
The only detail we still have to explain is what exactly a sealed-goal is. A sealed goal wraps into a single object all the proof variables and the assumptions about them, making this object easy (or better, sound) to pass around.
Since Coq 8.4 tactics can see more than one goal (multi-goal tactics).
You can access this feature by using all:
goal selector:
In Elpi you can implement a multi-goal tactic by providing a rule for the msolve predicate. Since such a tactic will need to manipulate multiple goals, potentially living in different proof context, it receives a list of sealed-goal, a data type which seals a goal and its proof context.
Elpi Tactic ngoals. Elpi Accumulate lp:{{ msolve GL _ :- coq.say "#goals =" {std.length GL}, coq.say GL. }}.Proof.P, Q: PropP /\ QP, Q: PropPP, Q: PropQAbort.P, Q: PropPP, Q: PropQ
This simple tactic prints the number of goals it receives, as well as the list itself. We see something like:
#goals = 2
[nabla c0 \ nabla c1 \ seal (goal [decl c1 `Q` (sort prop), decl c0 `P` (sort prop)] (X0 c0 c1) c0 (X1 c0 c1) []), nabla c0 \ nabla c1 \ seal (goal [decl c1 `Q` (sort prop), decl c0 `P` (sort prop)] (X2 c0 c1) c1 (X3 c0 c1) [])]
nabla binds all proof variables, then seal holds a regular goal, which in turn carries the proof context.
In order to operate inside a goal one can use the utility,
which postulates all proof variables using pi x\
and loads the proof
context using =>
Operating on multiple goals at the same time is doable, but not easy. In particular the two proof context have to be related in some way.
The following simple multi goal tactic shrinks the list of goals by
removing duplicates. As one can see, there is much room for improvement
in the same-ctx
Elpi Tactic undup.Proof.P, Q: Prop
p: P
q: QP /\ Q /\ PP, Q: Prop
p: P
q: QPP, Q: Prop
p: P
q: QQP, Q: Prop
p: P
q: QPP, Q: Prop
p: P
q: QPP, Q: Prop
p: P
q: QQapply p.P, Q: Prop
p: P
q: QPapply q. Qed.P, Q: Prop
p: P
q: QQ
The two calls to show proof display, respectively:
(fun (P Q : Prop) (p : P) (q : Q) => conj ?Goal (conj ?Goal0 ?Goal1))
(fun (P Q : Prop) (p : P) (q : Q) => conj ?Goal0 (conj ?Goal ?Goal0))
the proof term is the same but for the fact that after the tactic the first
and last missing subterm (incomplete proof tree branch) are represented by
the same hole ?Goal0
. Indeed by solving one, we can also solve the other.
On the notion of sealed-goal it is easy to define the usual LCF combinators, also known as Ltac tacticals. Tacticals usually take in input one or more tactic, here the precise type definition:
typeabbrev tactic (sealed-goal -> (list sealed-goal -> prop)).
A few tacticals can be found in the elpi-ltac.elpi file. For example this is the code of try:
pred try i:tactic, i:sealed-goal, o:list sealed-goal. try T G GS :- T G GS. try _ G [G].
As we hinted before, tactic arguments are attached to the goal since they can mention proof variables. So the Ltac code:
intro H; apply H.
has to be seen as 3 steps, starting from a goal G
, obtaining G1
, obtaining G2
Elpi Tactic argpass. Elpi Accumulate lp:{{ % this directive lets you use short names shorten coq.ltac.{ open, thenl, all }. type intro open-tactic. % goal -> list sealed-goal intro G GL :- refine {{ fun H => _ }} G GL. type set-arg-n-hyp int -> open-tactic. set-arg-n-hyp N (goal Ctx _ _ _ _ as G) [SG1] :- std.nth N Ctx (decl X _ _), coq.ltac.set-goal-arguments [trm X] G (seal G) SG1. type apply open-tactic. apply (goal _ _ _ _ [trm T] as G) GL :- refine T G GL. msolve SG GL :- all (thenl [ open intro, open (set-arg-n-hyp 0), open apply ]) SG GL. }}.Proof. elpi argpass. Qed.P: PropP -> P
Of course the tactic playing the role of intro
could communicate back
a datum to be passed to what follows
thenl [ open (tac1 Datum), open (tac2 Datum) ]
but the binder structure of sealed-goal would prevent Datum
to mention proof variables, that would otherwise escape the sealing.
The utility set-goal-arguments:
coq.ltac.set-goal-arguments Args G G1 G1wArgs
tries to move Args
from the context of G
to the one of G1
Relating the two proof contexts is not obvious: you may need to write your
own procedure if the two contexts are very distant.
Elpi tactics can be used inside terms via the usual ltac:(...)
quotation, but can also be exported to the term grammar.
Here we write a simple tactic for default values, which optionally takes a bound to the search depth.
Elpi Tactic default. Elpi Accumulate lp:{{ pred default i:term, i:int, o:term. default _ 0 _ :- _ "max search depth reached". default {{ nat }} _ {{ 46 }}. default {{ bool }} _ {{ false }}. default {{ list lp:A }} Max {{ cons lp:D nil }} :- Max' is Max - 1, default A Max' D. solve (goal _ _ T _ [] as G) GL :- default T 9999 P, refine P G GL. }}. Elpi Export default. Definition foo : nat := default.Definition bar : list bool := default.
The grammar entries for Elpi tactics in terms take an arbitrary number of arguments with the limitation that they are all terms: you can't pass a string or an integer as one would normally do.
Here we use Coq's primitive integers to pass the search depth (in a compact way).
Elpi Accumulate default lp:{{ solve (goal _ _ T _ [trm (primitive (uint63 Max))] as G) GL :- coq.uint63->int Max MaxI, default T MaxI P, refine P G GL. }}.Open Scope uint63_scope.Definition baz : list nat := default 2.
That is all folks!